Thursday, April 12, 2012

why write about it? Early Sept 2012

When you get down to the gutter level of cancer, which is the the cancer ward in your local hospital, it  seems everyone has it.  My mother in law, an uncle and likely my Grandfather died from one form or another of  Cancer.  My dogs have died from it.  Even a marvelous 2 year old puppy named Zuzu.

I started hating cancer when Zuzu died in my arms after a 48 hour hell storm.  Wasn't really happy with the rest of the world either at the time. It took a long time for us as a family to recover for the shock of her death.

So who gives a shit about another mid 50's dork with Cancer?  And likely a cancer that can be cured?

Likely not you...unless of course you are unlucky enough to have the HPV P16 virus and cancer yourself.

This blog is the result of a distinct lack of info about HPV cancer , especially tonsillar cancer, in an active male popluation.  Cispaltimum is by all acocunts nasty stuff to be putting into your body.


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